Vice President Kamala Harris has refrained from taking a position on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) sexual harassment allegations for 22 days, a far different tact than feminist orthodoxy teaches.

While Harris celebrated roles women hold in democratic societies at the United Nations event on the Commission on the Status of Women Tuesday, the event had no apparent impact on her willingness to declare, “I believe her,” as she said during the Justice Brett Kavanaugh Senate hearing about his accuser.

Instead, at the event, Harris managed to ignore the allegations against Andrew Cuomo.

“The status of democracy also depends fundamentally on the empowerment of women, not only because the exclusion of women in decision making is a marker of a flawed democracy, but because of the participation of women strengthens democracy. I am proud to report that while the United States still has work to do, we too are making progress and that women strengthen our democracy every day.”

As recently as last December ran a headline, “Top 10 Feminist Moments of 2020,” highlighting Harris’ presidential election victory speech for breaking “multiple barriers by becoming the first woman, and woman of color, to hold the position.”

During the address, Harris underscored “the generations of women… throughout our nation’s history who have paved the way for this moment tonight,” also noting that women have “sacrificed so much for equality, liberty, and justice for all, including the Black women.”

Even so, the first “woman, and woman of color, to hold the position” remains quiet on Andrew Cuomo’s alleged scandal, disquieting some on Twitter, who have called her “two-faced, double-tongued, and hypocritical as they come.”

And when Harris was asked directly for comment on March 11 about the scandal, she just silently walked away.

“Madame Vice President, do you have any comment on Gov. Cuomo?” the reporter asked with no response.

Kamala’s silence comes as the Human Rights Watch proudly states on their website, “we can hold governments and employers around the world accountable for sexual harassment,” which is “Fueled by the outpouring of experiences that women articulated in the wake of #MeToo, a new treaty has huge positive potential, not just for women in the workplace, but for all workers.”