Vice President Kamala Harris cast a tie-breaking vote Wednesday and advanced Department of Defense undersecretary of defense policy Colin Kahl out of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The Senate voted 51-50 Wednesday, agreeing to advance Kahl out of the Senate Armed Services Committee. With a split Senate featuring strong Republican opposition to Kahl, Harris cast the tie-breaking vote. This is the first time that Harris cast a tie-breaking vote for a Biden nominee.

Kahl, like other Biden nominees, has been sharply critical of the Republican Party.

Kahl said the “Republican party has debased itself at the altar of Trump” and the GOP was the party of “ethnic cleansing,” in response to a story about Syria.

Republicans have also criticized Kahl for potentially disclosing classified information.

The Senate will now require a cloture vote and a final confirmation vote.

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) sharply criticized Kahl in a statement on Wednesday. He said:

Colin Kahl’s lack of judgment, and his reckless disregard for security protocols has resulted in a deadlocked Senate, requiring the Vice President of the United States to break the tie—the first time she’s been required to do so on a Biden nominee. Dr. Kahl’s disregard for our national security is disqualifying in the eyes of all Senate Republicans, and I once again strongly urge the White House to recognize their nominee’s weak standing in the eyes of 50 Senators and withdraw Dr. Kahl.

Victoria Coates, a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy, wrote in an oped that Kahl’s potential leaking should disqualify him for the position. She wrote:

Leaks are an unfortunate reality in Washington, D.C., and the White House should be on alert that if Mr. Kahl is confirmed, the next leak may be about one of their own secret national security meetings, enabled by their turning a blind eye to his past indiscretions.

She added, “This should not be a partisan issue as it will make all Americans less safe, and every senator who takes our national security seriously should take note before they cast their votes.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.