Samantha Power gushed over Vice President Kamala Harris as a role model for her daughter, as she was sworn in by Harris as administrator for United States Agency for International Development on Monday.

Power told Harris it was “thrilling” for her to bring her daughter to the swearing-in to meet her and see her in action, and for her to “know that everything is available to her.”

“From the very first time she saw you on the big screen, you were a role model for her. I know that you’re doing that all around the world, but it’s personal for us, so thank you,” Power said.

Power continued, according to a White House pool report:

This is a family commitment, and I just want to thank my family, because we know what lies ahead. In terms of USAID, USAID is an agency that tackles the world’s hardest problems. It’s no secret that we’ve got a few of those on our plate right now. From COVID itself to the fallout from COVID economically, setting back so many development gains that have been experienced in a positive way in recent years. Now, so many of those — whether girls’ education, the other vaccinations and immunizations, to economic growth — everything’s set back. So we have our work cut out for us, compounded by climate change, compounded by democratic backsliding and I just feel so unfortunate I have one of the greatest work forces that I’ve ever encountered in actual technical expertise. We’ve returned to evidence, we’ve returned to science, we have that expertise to bring to bear.

After swearing in Power, Harris said, “Congratulations Madame Administrator, congratulations!” and chuckled loudly.

Power previously served as United Nations ambassador in the Obama administration. During her last year in that role, despite not being an intelligence professional, she unmasked — or requested to know the identity of — nearly 300 Americans swept up in intelligence surveillance of foreign targets, according to the Wall Street Journal.

She testified she had “no recollection” of unmasking then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, but declassified intelligence documents later showed she had unmasked his name seven times, according to Fox News.

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