Ohio Republican Bernie Moreno, a candidate for U.S. Senate, has released a video message telling those seeking to immigrate to America illegally to “wait in line.”

“Everyone is angry when you’re waiting your turn and someone cuts in line, whether at a grocery store, an airline gate, or a public bathroom,” Moreno says in the video. “But when an illegal immigrant cuts the line, no one is angrier than the legal immigrant — I should know. My family came here when I was five years old.”

Moreno continued, noting in the video that he “achieved the American dream” and explained that this is a “personal” issue for him to discuss:

I came here legally. I learned the language. I started a business, and like many immigrants, I achieved the American dream. This is personal to me. I firmly believe we have to stop illegal immigration. We have to finish the wall not because we hate the people outside the wall, but because we love the people inside the wall. I came here legally as an immigrant. Calling me racist won’t work. Don’t cut the line; wait your turn.

Moreno has made the issue of illegal immigration a centerpiece of his campaign, describing the ongoing border crisis as “very concerning.”

“The border crisis is very concerning to me,” Moreno told Breitbart News. “We don’t have a country if we can’t enforce our border.”

Last month, Moreno joined Breitbart News Saturday where he discussed his run for the open U.S. Senate seat created by Sen. Rob Portman’s (R-OH) retirement, saying he is tired of “Republicans who tell us what we want to hear when we want to hear it. But when the time comes, when it’s time to make that game-time a decision, they choke. We don’t like it. We just don’t want that anymore.”

“Conservative values is what the majority, vast majority of Americans fight for,” Moreno told host Matthew Boyle.

Within one month of launching his campaign, Moreno fundraised more than one million dollars from individual donations without accepting any corporate PAC money. Kellyanne Conway, who served as former President Donald Trump’s campaign manager and eventually White House counsel, also joined Moreno’s campaign as a senior adviser in April.

Five former U.S. ambassadors have publicly endorsed Moreno, including Richard Grenell, Jaime McCourt, Ed McMullen, David Fischer, and Bob Pence.

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