Sen. Tom Cotton has endorsed Derrick Van Orden for Congress in Wisconsin’s Third Congressional District, a seat currently held by Democrat Rep. Ron Kind.

“Derrick Van Orden is the right choice for Wisconsin and our nation,” Cotton said in a statement. “He has a record of service with more than two decades as a Navy SEAL.”

Cotton also noted Van Orden’s support for police and highlighted his efforts to curb illegal immigration by securing America’s southern border.

“Derrick backs our police, supports securing our borders, and will stand up for American values in Congress,” Cotton added. “We need Derrick Van Orden to help us fight Nancy Pelosi’s radical left agenda.”

Following Cotton’s endorsement, Van Orden released the following statement:

It is a tremendous honor to receive Senator Cotton’s endorsement for my campaign to bring real Leadership to Western Wisconsin. We have both dedicated our lives to service, and it is a privilege to receive his support as a fellow veteran and patriot who is committed to the future of our nation. I will do my level best to represent Western Wisconsin, and will always put the good of our nation before my own self-interest, that is my promise to you.

Last month, Van Orden joined Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel to discuss the revelation that Kind, his Democrat opponent, has as a tenant a seedy massage parlor that advertised on websites known to law enforcement to solicit illicit sexual activity. According to Van Orden, the establishment media are “burying” the story. Instead of addressing the issue directly, Kind leveled baseless accusations of racism against Van Orden.

Van Orden has also received endorsements from other GOP leaders including House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

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