Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in a letter Friday, threatened senators with canceling August recess, working long nights, and working on weekends to pass the Democrats’ radical “infrastructure” bill.

Schumer said that senators should prepare to work hard and for the “possibility” of having to work “long nights, weekends, and remaining in Washington,” as he is willing to cancel their “previously-scheduled” August recess for senators to work in their respective states.

The majority leader’s main goal is to use the work period before August to “consider” the so-called “bipartisan infrastructure legislation” and his “budget resolution with reconciliation instructions” to jam parts of the radical far-left wish list through by going around Republicans.

His letter stated that he is “especially” looking forward to offering up “provisions on climate change, health care, and the caring economy.” At the same time, the Senate Budget Committee, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), is working on the fiscal year 2022 budget parts of the American Jobs and Families Plan.

Schumer made it clear that he is looking to also ram through President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees. The senator took aim at the Supreme Court by suggesting Senate Democrats should “stand ready” so they can “expeditiously fill any potential vacancies on the Supreme Court should they arise,” while they still have the majority.

Schumer also mentioned that the already debunked lies that Republican-led State legislatures have passed legislation to “keep people from voting.” Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), according to Schumer, will be holding a “field hearing” to examine the “disgraceful tactics” in Georgia that Republicans are allegedly using to restrict voting.

The process of getting the radical measure passes will take weeks, requiring senators to debate on the Senate floor and a “vote-a-rama.” The Republicans will have the chance to stall the bills by offering up an unlimited number of amendments to slow the process and force the Democrats to take up tough votes.

Earlier in the week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was in his home state giving speeches to different groups and meeting with constituents when he gave a stark warning to Schumer and the Democrats. He said Republicans would be ready when they come back from recess to put up one “hell of a fight” against the far-left effort to pass the radical “infrastructure” plan.