Democrat Rep. Sean Casten (IL) defended the radical left’s push for Critical Race Theory to be taught in K-12 schools, accusing Republicans of acting as “right-wing fear-mongers who are nothing but bullies” by standing against it.

“There are right-wing fear-mongers who are nothing but bullies. Bullies, who like all bullies, are themselves deeply afraid,” Casten said in a video for the far-left NowThis, which featured the chyron reading, “GOP panic over critical race theory is unpatriotic.”

“They’re afraid of facing hard truths and afraid of the will of the majority,” he continued, contending Republicans are inflicting “real harm” by rejecting the far-left Marxist ideology, which holds that “the United States is racist by design, because its Constitution and all of its other institutions emerged in a context where slavery was legal.”

“This hysteria going on over Critical Race Theory and the right-wing efforts to mainstream disinformation about it are inflicting real harm, real harm on Americans, and it’s adding fuel to the fire of forces who are hellbent on tearing our country apart,” he said, attacking what he described as the “snowflakes” bothered by remarks made by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Mark Milley, who said during a congressional testimony last month that he wants to “understand white rage.”

“What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?” he asked.

Casten continued, explaining that only a “small minority” of Americans may want to repeat mistakes of our “racist” past but contending that neither the Civil War, nor Obama’s presidency ended racism. Rather, they were “steps.”

“The unfortunate truth is that every time we’ve moved a little bit closer to realizing Martin Luther King’s dream, it’s scared the dickens out of a certain subset of white men who are petrified to live in a world where they might be judge by the content of their character,” Casten continued, offering his context-less version of U.S. history, briefly discussing how America’s forefathers “killed most” of the people who lived in the Americas and later created a theory to reconcile their sins they knew they committed with their Christian faith, using it to justify slavery.

Critical Race Theory, he continued, only asks us only to continue on that quest “of striving to be better.”

It is on us, he added, to “lift our nation upward” and steer closer to the “promise of real and complete equality” and bend the arc of history “a little closer to justice.”

While some, such as former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), who is running for governor again, dismiss CRT as a “right-wing conspiracy theory,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Mike Berg believes Democrats should be more forthcoming about their intentions.

“Every vulnerable House Democrat should be as candid as Sean Casten when it comes to their views on critical race theory,” Berg said in a statement.

Recent polls indicate that Americans are not on board with CRT. A Rasmussen report released on Thursday found 78 percent of voters saying it is at least somewhat important for schools to teach the traditional values of Western civilization, and a YouGov/Economist poll released last month found 58 percent of Americans holding an “unfavorable” view of CRT.