Republican national spokesman Paris Dennard joined SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday to discuss the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) ongoing election integrity efforts and the Democrats’ fear of losing “power and control.”

“It defies what the narrative of the mainstream media would have Americans believe,” Dennard said of a poll which shows support for voter ID requirements and other election integrity measures. “Thirty percent of voters said they totally supported a proposed voting plan and have principles of presenting the voter ID, signature verification…”

In noting results from the poll, which show immense support for cleaning up voter rolls and eliminating ballot harvesting, Dennard said, “We feel this issue is important.” Dennard also said the new committee to target election integrity is “focused on what we all know we need to do, which is ensure that we have transparency and voters have confidence in elections.”

“Future elections are critical, especially the midterm elections, and our council’s office has really been fighting back on all of these power grabs that Democrats have been pushing this past election,” he added.

Dennard also said the Republican Party is “tracking, constantly, all of the election laws, changes that Democrats are trying to propose and we are aggressively pushing back, fighting the courts and having some successes.”

Asked how he feels as a black conservative when people label forms of voter ID to be racist, Dennard said, “It’s just another lie from the left.” He also said the Democrats are pushing “fake rage” on things. “This issue is not a racial issue, it’s one that Democrats are trying to make into a racial issue,” he added, noting Democrats know racial issues “create fear and division and they want to operate their campaigns on division and fear to essentially divide and try to conquer”:

At the end of the day, [election integrity] is not something that black people of our country, myself included, are accepting as facts because we know if we have to show an ID to go to a movie that’s rated R, to get on a plane, to go to a sports venue, to get into certain businesses, to buy alcohol, all of the things you have to show an ID for… that is the standard. But when it comes to something as important as the right to vote, all of a sudden it becomes racist.

Dennard also called out Major League Baseball (MLB) for its decision to withdraw the All Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia, and move it to Denver, Colorado, which cost the city about “$100 million worth of revenue that would have been their benefiting a lot of the black small businesses owners, entrepreneurs, workers, and vendors in that state.”

“It just reinforces the hypocrisy of the left,” Dennard said of the movement of the game. “If they cared about the people of Atlanta, if they wanted to do economic investments for minorities in that state and in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, then they would have pushed — they meaning Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock — they would have pushed to keep the MLB in that city.”

“Instead, they allowed the MLB to be persuaded by them to move it out of the state because they didn’t care,” Dennard continued. “It’s all talk, but no action.”

Dennard also stated motives and actions from the Democrats stem from a fear of losing “power and control,” saying they are “not concerned about the people and putting the people first and the American people are seeing it for what it is. It’s hypocrisy.”

To listen to Dennard’s full interview with Breitbart News, click here.

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