Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters on Tuesday sharply criticized a scheme by Congressional Democrats to usher in amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through budget reconciliation.

“I live just an hour from the Mexican border. I have seen firsthand the havoc and suffering that illegal immigration wreaks in Arizona. Thousands of people, including hundreds of violent criminals, flood through the holes in our border wall everyday. Once here, many of them continue to commit crimes, and they impose huge costs on our education and welfare systems and infrastructure,” Masters said in a statement shared on social media.

“There can be no amnesty for people who break into our country. Illegal immigration is illegal. Period. The recent surge in illegal immigration is the direct result of Biden-Harris’ weak immigration policies, which of course Senator Mark Kelly supports in lockstep,” the candidate added. “We deserve leaders who will enforce the law, not undermine it. In the U.S. Senate, I will oppose granting U.S. citizenship to those who come to America illegally, and I will oppose every underhanded and ill-conceived mass amnesty proposal the Democrats try to sneak into unrelated Senate bills.”

Masters’ opposition comes as Senate Democrats continue to work on including amnesty via reconciliation with no threat of the filibuster blocking the move and only 51 votes in the Senate to approve it.

As Breitbart News previously reported: “Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) told reporters that while he hopes the amnesty plan includes giving green cards, and thus eventual naturalized American citizenship, to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, he wants the amnesty to be as big as possible.”

Several House Democrats have vowed to oppose a budget via reconciliation unless it includes offers amnesty to millions of illegal aliens residing in the U.S.

“A balanced and fiscally sound budget reconciliation deal must include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants,”Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA) said.

“I will not support any budget reconciliation deal that continues to leave hard-working undocumented taxpayers in limbo,” Correa continued. “Anything less would be fiscally irresponsible. Undocumented immigrants work hard, pay taxes, and are an essential part of our economy.”

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has affirmed that Democrats are doing their “best” to ensure the amnesty is included.