During a recent town hall, vulnerable Democrat Rep. Lauren Underwood (IL) claimed that “the economy is doing great” despite the ongoing price surge over food, appliances, cars, and gasoline making it hard for struggling families.

Underwood was caught saying that “the economy is doing great, jobs are up” by Illinois Rising Action. The group is “committed to holding liberal groups and their special interest networks accountable and advancing conservative principles.”

The congresswoman also claimed that “almost a million new jobs were added in the month of July alone.” She ever went as far as to say, “employment is up and unemployment is down, as Americans get back to work.”


However, despite what Underwood is claiming, inflation has been rising more than expected in recent months. Additionally, at the end of July, the Commerce Department data showed that a key measure of inflation reached a 30-year high. In August, it was reported that the home building confidence to its lowest in the past 13 months.

Moreover, while employment last month was stronger than expected, rising by 1.1 million, black unemployment declined in what was otherwise the best employment month since Biden took office.

A Gallup poll recently found that the economic confidence of Americans had significantly declined in July. Breitbart News reported that the index level “is now -6, down from +1 in June and back to the negative level registered in May,” adding, “recent decline in confidence may reflect public reaction rising coronavirus infections and higher than expected inflation.”

Executive Director of Illinois Rising Action Kayleen Carlson took a swipe at the congresswoman, saying that her claim “is the latest example of how out-of-touch she is from the people that he is supposed to represent.”

Carlson added that families in the district she represents “should be very wary of what’s to come from a representative who shows that she continues to be influenced by the policies of the socialist wing of her party,” since the congresswoman has continued “to ignore the realities of prices surging due to reckless and out-of-control spending by Democrats.”

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