President Joe Biden’s approval has plummeted in New Hampshire, a critical swing state that broke for him in 2020, a Granite State Poll, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, released Tuesday revealed.

The survey found Biden’s approval rating plummeting amid the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. It showed 44 percent approved of the president’s job performance while 54 percent disapproved and two percent remained undecided. Of the 54 percent who disapproved of his job performance, 42 percent “strongly” disapproved.

Ultimately, Biden’s net approval is underwater, standing at -10. This marks a drastic change from July, when his net approval stood at +1. Last month’s results showed Biden’s approval standing at 50 percent, demonstrating a six-point drop in one month. His disapproval stood at 49 percent:

There is a significant partisan divide in Biden approval, as his net approval is “+91 among Democrats, -63 among Independents, and -93 among Republicans,” per the survey.

While the results coincide with Biden’s mishandling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, 53 percent of respondents agree with the initial decision to withdraw. At the same time, just over one-third of respondents, 36 percent, approved of Biden’s handling of foreign affairs. Sixty percent disapproved.

Afghan citizens pack inside a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III, as they are transported from Hamid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021. The Taliban on Sunday swept into Kabul, the Afghan capital, after capturing most of Afghanistan. (Capt. Chris Herbert/U.S. Air Force via AP)

The survey also asked New Hampshire respondents whom they blamed for the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. While 88 percent blame the Afghan government, 71 percent also said Biden “bears a lot or some of the blame” as well.

WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 25: Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani makes brief remarks during a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation, in the Oval Office at the White House June 25, 2021 in Washington, DC. Biden announced in April that he was pulling all U.S. forces from Afghanistan and ending America’s longest war by September 11. (Photo by Pete Marovich-Pool/Getty Images)

Additionally, the survey found 59 percent of New Hampshire residents expressing the belief that the U.S. is on the wrong track. Only 32 percent said otherwise.

The survey, taken August 19-23 among 977 Granite State Panel members, has a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percent.

Biden secured New Hampshire in 2020, edging out former President Donald Trump 52.7 percent to 45.4 percent.