Former President Donald Trump, on Wednesday, formally endorsed Republican Sean Parnell, a Republican candidate for a Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat and an Afghanistan war veteran who led the infamous “Outlaw Platoon.”

“Sean Parnell is running for the United States Senate to serve the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,” the former president wrote in his endorsement.

“Sean bravely fought for our County as a Captain in the U.S. Army and was awarded two Bronze Stars (one for Valor!) and the Purple Heart,” Trump added. “Unlike our current administration, he never left anyone behind.”

In addition, Trump said, “Sean is a great candidate” who in 2020 “got robbed in his congressional run in the Crime of the Century,” which he called “the 2020 Presidential Election Scam.”

“He will make Pennsylvania very proud and will fight for Election Integrity, Strong Borders, our Second Amendment, Energy Jobs, and so much more,” he continued.

“Sean Parnell will always put American First,” which is why Trump is giving him his ” Complete and Total Endorsement.”

In response to the endorsement, Parnell, in a tweet, said he’s “So proud to be endorsed for US Senate in Pennsylvania by President Trump!” He added, “In the Senate I’ll always fight for our America First agenda and will never back down to the radical left. Now let’s go Win Pennsylvania and Save America!”

Breitbart News recently profiled Parnell’s rise in Pennsylvania.

During the interview last week, he said, “Pennsylvania voters are seeking candidates for office who will put America and the people of our great nation first.” He mentioned the chaos that erupted in Afghanistan from President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal plan, which ended in the death of 13 U.S. service members, leaving hundreds left in the country.

“If the chaos in Afghanistan has highlighted anything, it’s the fact that there’s a gigantic leadership vacuum in Washington, DC,” he mentioned in the interview. “The only way to fix that is to start electing more citizen leaders and fewer career politicians. I’m not going to the Senate to be a follower. I’m going there to be a leader because I know our nation stands on a very thin line between hope and darkness.”

From 2006 to 2007; while he was deployed to Afghanistan, Parnell led the infamous “Outlaw Platoon” for over a year. The “Outlaw Platoon” went on to see some of the most intense fighting that happened over the 20 years the United States spent in Afghanistan.

Donald Trump Jr., the older son of former President Donald Trump, told Breitbart News, “We desperately need some new blood in the U.S. Senate and Sean Parnell is exactly the type of America First fighter that conservatives and Trump supporters need to unite behind.”

Breitbart News’s profile also outlined that Parnell’s future could determine who holds the majority in the Senate after the midterm election. Since the 2020 election, the senate currently sits in constant deadlock while split down the middle 50-50 between Republicans and Democrats. If Parnell wins it could help sway the majority to the Republicans.

Follow Jacob Bliss on Twitter @jacobmbliss.