President Joe Biden’s approval in key swing districts is underwater by double digits, a National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) survey released Tuesday revealed.

According to the memo, a majority of voters in battleground districts disapprove of the job Biden is doing — 52 percent. Forty-two percent approve, representing a net approval of -10 percent. 

Additionally, less than half of the 42 percent who approve of Biden, 20 percent, “strongly” approve of his job performance. Meanwhile, 42 percent of the 52 percent who disapprove of Biden do so “strongly.”

Biden is even suffering with his base in terms of enthusiasm. While 85 percent of Democrats approve of his job performance, just 43 percent “strongly” approve.

Biden’s approval rating among independents, specifically, is even more devastating, as they disapprove by a 26-point margin — 31 percent approving and 57 percent disapproving. Of those, 10 percent “strongly” approve of Biden. Far more, 45 percent, “strongly” disapprove. 

Notably, a plurality of voters in these battleground districts oppose Biden’s radical Build Back Better plan, including independents, who “are a net 18-points opposed” to the agenda, per the NRCC memo.

Coinciding with the president’s plummeting ratings is the fact that Republicans have what the NRCC described as a “decisive advantage” on issues most important to voters — border security, jobs and the economy, and inflation/cost of living. 

“These were the only three issues to register in the double-digits,” NRCC found. 

Per the survey:

The survey was taken November 6-10, 2021, among 1,000 voters across 85 battleground congressional districts.