Democrat Reps. Haley Stevens (D-MI) and Andy Levin (D-MI) are tied in a recent poll in the member-on-member primary showdown that will take place in Michigan’s Eleventh Congressional District.

The poll conducted by the Michigan firm Target Insyght showed that the two incumbents are neck and neck, but Levin could end up having the upper hand as he is more well-known and well-liked in the district.

The Insyght poll showed that both Democrat incumbents garnered 41 percent of the vote, with 18 percent undecided respondents. The poll also showed a large margin of error of five percent.

Levin was the respondents’ favorite, showing a ten-point lead ahead of Stevens.

Sixty-three percent of the respondents said they had a favorable opinion of Levin, while only 16 percent viewed him unfavorably, and 21 percent said they were undecided or didn’t know.

Fifty-three percent of the respondents said they had a favorable opinion of Stevens, while only 16 percent viewed him unfavorably, and 31 percent said they were undecided or didn’t know.

In the member-on-member matchup, Levin also held the lead outside the margin of error with black voters, woman voters, and senior voters:

Jewish Insider indicated that Levin has name ID advantage due to his deep political roots. His father, former Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI), represented the Detroit area for 36 years, and his uncle, former Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), served in the Senate for 36 years.

“The areas that he does the best in — where most of the Democrats are based — have been represented by the Levin family for decades,” Target Insyght Executive Director Ed Sarpolus told Jewish Insider. “Some of these votes are not going to leave the Levin name because they’ve known them for decades.”

Sarpolus added that Levin has the expected advantage but is “not dominating this race.”

The Target Insyght poll was conducted between February 1 to 3. The survey questions were asked of 402 Democratic primary voters, and there was a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.