A majority of registered voters across the country support commonsense election laws such as voter ID laws and a ban on vote trafficking, cleaning up the voter rules, and cutting off private funding of elections, according to a recent poll.

A poll conducted by the Honest Elections Project (HEP), a nonpartisan group devoted to supporting the right of every lawful voter to participate in free and honest elections, showed that “Americans are united and favor commonsense election laws that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

The poll found that 84 percent of the respondents think that everyone should show a photo ID in order to vote.

Although the Democrats have claimed that the voter ID laws would hurt minority voters, an overwhelming majority also support having to show some form of ID: 82 percent of low-income voters, 72 percent of black voters, and 90 percent of Hispanic voters. Furthermore, 75 percent of the respondents would vote for a ballot initiative to require everyone to show a photo ID or have the voters write the ID number on a mail-in ballot, including 66 percent of Democrats.

“The ongoing liberal efforts to reshape voting through federal legislation, court challenges, and ballot initiatives remains profoundly out of step with the views of most Americans,” HEP explained. “In fact, overwhelming percentages of voters across the political and racial spectrum support commonsense election safeguards.”

The poll also found that the majority want to ban vote trafficking, which exposes voters to coercion and intimidation and is a vehicle for fraud. There were 61 percent who said vote tracking should be illegal, while only 14 percent of the respondents thought trafficking should be legal.

Broken down by key voter groups, 58 percent of the low-income voters supported the ban on vote trafficking, as well as 75 percent of the respondents who were 65 and over and 57 percent of Hispanic respondents — all the groups that Democrats claim need vote trafficking to help them vote.

“Left-wing special interests and politicians like President Biden carried out an intense, often misleading, campaign meant to stir opposition to policies like strong voter ID,” HEP emphasized. “Their efforts have had the opposite effect. More people than ever—including most Black and Hispanic voters—back photo ID laws.”

The poll also found that respondents want to adopt clear rules to safeguard mail-in ballots, the most vulnerable form of voting in elections. Eighty percent of the respondents believe that the convenience of being able to vote by mail should have the capability to be balanced with adequate protections against fraud.

One of the more critical issues that have been in the news regarding the 2020 election is private funding of elections. The poll found that 52 percent of the respondents think that the private financing of elections should be prohibited. Reports and a new documentary showed that Big Tech billionaire Mark Zuckerberg singlehandedly gave approximately $400 million in 2020 to disproportionally help Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) efforts in key swing areas.

“Election laws should no longer be up for debate,” said Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project. “A majority of Americans (85%) believe not solely in maximizing access to voting but also in strengthening the security of our election system.”

The poll also found that respondents what the voter rolls cleaned up. Eighty percent of the respondents said that states should be doing more to clean up their voter rolls. That includes having maintenance, which is required by law. However, HEP acknowledged a study that showed one-in-eight of the voter registrations across the country are outdated, inaccurate, or duplicative.

The respondents also supported a ban on “foreign citizens” voting in the elections. An overwhelming majority, 84 percent, agreed, and 66 percent said they strongly agreed that only citizens should vote in elections in the United States. In comparison, only nine percent said that non-citizens could vote.

Broken down by key voting groups, there were 75 percent of Hispanics, 69 percent of blacks, 77 percent of Democrats, and 83 percent of Democrats who think that non-citizens should not be allowed to vote.

“Voters want elections they can trust,” Snead added. “They believe common sense laws such as voter ID, consistent voter roll maintenance, bans on ballot trafficking, and more should be established to ensure it is easier to vote and harder to cheat. It is the responsibility of our public officials to respond to those they represent and protect their vote.”

HEP poll was conducted online with 1,600 registered voters nationwide from April 1 to 4. There was an overall margin of error of plus or minus 2.45 percent and a 95 percent confidence. The gender breakdown of the respondents was 48 percent men and 52 percent women.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at jbliss@breitbart.com or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.