Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman is now the projected winner in the state’s Democrat primary for the U.S. Senate seat.

“John Fetterman wins Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania primary election,” the Associated Press declared on Tuesday.

Fetterman’s victory in the primary comes after he suffered a stroke and underwent treatment at Lancaster hospital well into election day.

“I hadn’t been feeling well, but was so focused on the campaign that I ignored the signs and just kept going. On Friday it finally caught up with me,” Fetterman said on Sunday. “I had a stroke that was caused by a clot from my heart being in an A-fib rhythm for too long.”

Doctors said that Fetterman did not suffer from any cognitive injuries as a result of the stroke. He credited his wife for having him visit the hospital early.

“Fortunately, Gisele spotted the symptoms and got me to the hospital within minutes,” Fetterman said. “The amazing doctors here were able to quickly and completely remove the clot, reversing the stroke, they got my heart under control as well. It’s a good reminder to listen to your body and be aware of the signs.”

John Fetterman has taken a radical position on abortion, referring to the unfettered practice as a “sacred” act.

“Let’s be clear: The right to an abortion is sacred. Democrats have to act quickly – get rid of the filibuster to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act + finally codify Roe into law. We cannot afford to wait,” he tweeted this month.