President Joe Biden’s approval ratings sank to a record low in an Associated Press (AP) poll released Friday.

According to the AP-NORC Center for Public Research poll, 39% of U.S. adults approve of the president’s performance, as more Democrats are losing faith in his abilities to handle major issues facing America.

Biden’s approval rating is down 24 points from his 63 percent rating one year ago in May 2021.

Only 33 percent of Democrats believe the country is headed in the right direction, down 16 points from his rating in April.

Of all adults in the poll, just two in ten believe the United States is headed in the right direction.

Biden’s approval rating among Democrats is also down to only 73 percent, falling nine points from his lowest rating from his party in 2021.

The president also suffers low ratings for the economy, as 51 percent say his policies have done more to hurt the state of the economy than help it.

Biden only has a 38 percent approval rating on immigration and a 45 percent approval rating on his handling of the relationship with Russia. Only 21 percent of Americans say they have a great deal of confidence in the president’s ability to handle the war in Ukraine.

The president is currently on a trip to North Korea and Japan to signal solidarity with Asian democracies.

The AP-NORC poll of 1,172 adults was conducted May 12-16 with a margin of error plus or minus four percentage points.