President Biden’s approval rating is under water by double digits in Florida, a Giffords and Public Policy Polling survey found.

The survey found Biden with souring ratings in the Sunshine State, as 53 percent approve while just over one-third approve. That gives him a net approval rating of -19 — an unfortunate finding for the president in the key swing state:

The disapproval includes 11 percent of those who said they voted for Biden in 2020. Nineteen percent of 2020 Biden voters said they are “not sure” if they approve of his job performance.

The poll was taken May 26-27, 2022, among 655 Florida voters and follows years of the far-left waging a war against Florida and the policies embraced by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — from reopening the state and championing medical freedom during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to prioritizing parental rights in education. DeSantis, meanwhile, has taken the battle back to Biden, placing the blame of rising prices directly on the administration.

“They have an energy policy that is deliberately trying to suppress production here in the United States, even though they inherited a country that was energy independent for the first time in an awful long time,” DeSantis said during a press conference in May.

“It’s a deliberate attempt to make prices higher, and you actually have people testifying in front of Congress saying, is this a problem with the high prices?” he said. “They garble their words and the reason is they want higher prices, because their view is you need to be punished for using this carbon and you need to just go out and buy an electric car.”

As for Biden, his unpopularity goes far beyond just the state of Florida, as Biden’s average job approval rating is hovering around 40 percent, per RealClearPolitics (RCP). That leaves him a net approval of -13.3 percent.