Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) said on Fox News Sunday that calls to impeach Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Justice Clarence Thomas are “not realistic” amid fury from Democrats regarding the recent SCOTUS ruling which led to the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade.

A transcript is as follow: 

MIKE EMANUEL: As Chairman of the [Senate] Judiciary Committee, what do you say to progressives calling for impeaching of some of the conservative Justices?

SEN. DICK DURBIN: I don’t think it’s realistic. I can tell you, there is, in my mind, a clear conflict of interest when it comes to Justice Thomas and issues related to the January 6 insurrection. His wife is actively involved, politically, going so far as to give direct advice to the president’s chief of staff during this crisis. I would think that Justice Thomas should recuse himself from any decisions that relate to the January 6 episode. Already he was the single vote earlier on a case related to that issue. I think it’s a mistake. As to whether he’s going to be impeached, that is not realistic. But he should show good judgment.