Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) will support the reconciliation bill pushed by Senate Democrats that does not eliminate the cap on the state and local tax deduction (SALT), despite previously saying he would not support any reconciliation bill that does not remove the cap.

Unveiled this week by Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 strives to reduce the federal deficit by $300 billion with increased taxes and $433 billion spent on “climate change” and Obamacare.

With an even split in the Senate, Democrats need every vote they can get to ensure the bill’s survival. Manchin’s support is vital, given that he ultimately killed the Democrat’s original Build Back Better Act over concerns that it would increase inflation rates.

During the Build Back Better negotiations, Rep. Malinowski was one of several representatives from blue states who claimed they would not support any bill without a SALT increase.

“No SALT, no deal,” Malinowski said during previous reconciliation talks.

As Breitbart News detailed:

President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans limited the SALT deduction to pay for the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The SALT deduction mainly benefits wealthy blue states such as New York, New Jersey, and California.

Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N) similarly said he would not support any bill without removing the cap on the SALT deduction.

Despite their previous pledges, it appears both Malinowski and Suozzi are lined up to support the latest Democrat reconciliation bill.

Bloomberg congressional reporter Erik Wasson said the two federal lawmakers “are lining up to support Senate deal despite no lifting of SALT cap.”

However, congressional Democrats are worried that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez (D) and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D) may derail the bill over its lack of a SALT cap removal.

“I’ve got to understand the impact it has on families in my district,” Gottheimer told Politico. “Until I see specifics it’s hard to know.”

Menendez alluded to Manchin’s fatal flow to the Build Back Better act and said he could “be Joe Manchin.”

“Anybody can be Joe Manchin,” he said. “I can be Joe Manchin right now.”

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.