Gen. Don Bolduc, the Republican Senate candidate in New Hampshire, has caught up with Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan and is tied with Hassan, according to a new poll released Monday.

The Insider Advantage poll found that Bolduc trails Hassan by less than one percentage point. Hassan is polling at 47.6 percent, while Bolduc is right behind at 47.1 percent. In addition, the poll found that 2.9 percent of voters remain undecided, while another 2.5 percent said they would vote for someone else.

The poll numbers come amid reports that Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) Senate Leadership Fund will pull all its ads from television in New Hampshire effective October 25. McConnell’s decision will rip $5.6 million in advertisements away from Bolduc’s candidacy, which will inadvertently help Hassan.

However, Bolduc’s spirits remain high despite McConnell’s decision to stop airing ads in New Hampshire.

On Saturday, Bolduc told Breitbart News’s Matthew Boyle that his campaign’s momentum “is great right now.”

“We were 15 points behind during the primary. We closed the gap to 7-5-3, and now we’re in a tie,” Bolduc added. “The momentum is going our way because we’re campaigning the Granite State way – five events a day is my average out there on the ground – town halls, house parties, community events, you name it.”

New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan greets Vice President Joe Biden as he arrives at the Manchester Airport, Tuesday, March 25, 2014, in Manchester, NH. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

Bolduc noted that he won the Republican primary without McConnell’s help, and the Republican Senate Leader’s move does not change his campaign’s strategy.

“That doesn’t change what I’m doing and how I won the primary being outspent 20/1. Didn’t get anybody’s help there. And we won because we worked harder than everybody else,” Bolduc said.

Insider Advantage’s poll mirrors a Fabrizio, Lee & Associates poll released Friday that found Bolduc and Hassan are statistically tied. Bolduc’s late surge in the polls comes as New Hampshire voters shift their focus toward inflation.

As Breitbart News detailed:

Gen. Bolduc has taken the issue head on by highlighting Hassan’s voting record, which has fueled inflation. Hassan voted for Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget plan, the $1.9 trillion for coronavirus stimulus, a debt limit increase, and the $3 trillion infrastructure package. She also voted for the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” which will cost taxpayers 700 billion dollars. Experts also say the bill will not reduce inflation.

Insider Advantage surveyed 600 likely New Hampshire voters on October 23. The poll’s margin of error is ±4 percent.

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.