Woke preacher Rev. Willie D. Francois, III praised Democrat Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams during a recent chapel for Howard University, essentially comparing her to Biblical greats including Moses, John the Baptist, and Jesus Himself.

A clip from the sermon, which took place October 16, shows Francois proclaiming that humans were literally “born to rebel,” but not in the way one might think. It does not appear that Francois was speaking of the Biblical reality of original sin and the need of a savior. Rather, his examples of rebellion were Biblical figures obeying God and doing great things. Nonetheless, he included individuals such as Stacey Abrams in his rant.

“Look out evil. Here I come. Look out sexism. Here I come. Look out homophobia. Here I come. Look out police brutality. Here I come, because if we beat it before we can beat it again,” he said, asserting that people were “born to rebel.”

“You were born to rebel. All of the things that tried to overthrow you, you were born to undermine it. … Every day is an occasion to remember we were born to rebel. Moses rebelled against Egypt, and created an exodus,” he said, listing off several examples of supposed “rebellion,” failing to explicitly acknowledge that these individuals were not necessarily “rebelling” in their flesh but obeying God.

“David rebelled against Goliath and brought dignity to Israel. The Hebrew boys rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar and survived the fiery furnace,” he said:

“John the Baptist rebelled against the religious elite who paved the way for Jesus. Mary Magdalene rebelled against the demonic and reimagined discipleship because we were born to rebel,” he said, before steering away from Biblical figures. “Harriet Tubman rebelled against slavery and gave us an underground railroad.”

“Fannie Lou Hamer rebelled against the DNC and opened up the ballot box. Stacey Abrams rebelled against neo-Jim Crow at the ballot box and gave us the first senator from the South,” he said before adding Jesus into the mix after Abrams.

“Jesus rebelled against the forces that gave us eternal life, because we were born to rebel,” he concluded.


Abrams,  the Democrat candidate whom Francois appeared to put on the same level as Moses and Jesus, recently came under fire after asserting that more abortions could serve as a viable way to combat inflation in the U.S.:

Monday’s RealClearPolitics average showed Republican incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp leading Abrams by an average of 7.6 percent.