Utah Republicans are more enthusiastic about voting than state Democrats ahead of the pivotal midterm elections, per a source familiar.

A source who has run multiple Senate and congressional races in Utah explained to Breitbart News that Utah Republicans are more excited about voting in next week’s pivotal midterm elections, which could swing the election in favor of Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT).

The source said that 61 percent of Utah Republicans are very enthusiastic about voting next week, as compared to only 41 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of independents.

More Utah Republicans than ever appear to be voting than in prior elections.

Sixty-four percent of the electorate that has voted early is Republican, as compared to 56 percent in 2020 and 58 percent in 2018. The source said that he or she estimates 800,000 or 900,000 votes cast during the election, as 389,000 votes have been counted so far. The source noted that the Utah electorate has only become more Republican over time.

These early voting figures and enthusiasm numbers would appear to spell trouble for Utah independent Senate candidate and Never Trumper Evan McMullin.

An OH Predictive Insights poll found that Lee has strong support from Republicans, while McMullin’s support mainly comes from Democrats and independents:

Taking a look at party affiliation support, Lee holds the reigns on Republican support at 64% while McMullin has a hold on support among Democrats (70%) and Independents (44%). Hansen and Williams struggle to surpass 5% support across all parties. Democrats in Utah make up about 14% of the electorate, so this survey’s reflective sample of Utah’s likely Democrat voters (63) is directional.

A key takeaway is that, although Democrats and Independents are showing their highest support for McMullin, both parties have more than 20% of voters who are undecided.

The OH Predictive Insights poll found that Lee holds a 19-point lead over McMullin.

Mike Noble, the OH Predictive Insights chief of research, said in a statement, “Mike Lee is in a prize position being over the all-important 50% threshold this close to Election Day. McMullin will be hard-pressed to make a push in these final days if he hopes to make up the ground on incumbent Mike Lee.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.