Democrat Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) blew over $70 million in her bid to unseat Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), only to get utterly demolished by the incumbent Republican.

Demings, who attempted to cast Rubio as too radically pro-life and alleged he favors “voter suppression,” suffered a significant loss on Tuesday evening, as her race was called for the senator relatively quickly:

With over 95 percent of the vote in early Wednesday, Demings was losing by well over one million votes. Losing 41.3 percent to Rubio’s 57.7 percent, she garnered 3,197,133votes to the Republican’s 4,469,883 as of Thursday morning.

In other words, the Democrat blew tens of millions of dollars on a race that was not even close.

According to NBC, “Demings raised $73 million to Rubio’s $47 million, according to their most recent campaign finance reports, and she outspent him on TV ads”:

Despite the bubbling narrative and accusations of the pro-life movement supposedly stifling GOP wins across the the nation, that was clearly not the case in Florida, particularly in the Rubio-Demings race. Demings, throughout the race, attempted to cast the Republican as an extremist for being pro-life. Demings, meanwhile, failed to identify when she believed abortion should be illegal.

“That’s the vague language they all give,” Rubio said during the debate between the two after Demings refused to explicitly explain when abortion should be illegal.

“And then they talk about the doctor and the family. Let me tell you also who is in that room, that abortion room — the government is in that room. She brought them in there. She wants the taxpayer to pay for that abortion. That’s government involvement. Not just for that abortion, but abortions all over the world. All over the world. That’s extreme. That’s radical,” he added.

Ultimately, Demings, who spent tens of millions on her campaign, conceded without putting up a fight.

“This election may be over, but there are dreams that are still alive,” Demings said. “I believe in you, and in our ability to change the world. And though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, together we are going to fight for our democracy and for the American Dream”: