The following is sponsored content by Stansberry Research.

The media is obsessed with a handful of scandals they hope will bring down Joe Biden:

But one very successful businessman says the media is focusing on the wrong issues.

Bill Bonner, the 72-year-old best-selling New York Times author who owns properties on four continents and attended Georgetown Law School at the same time as Fed Chair Jerome Powell, says there’s an entirely different and very real scandal that could easily emerge as the one that brings down Joe Biden or whomever is elected president next.

It’s all part of something this entrepreneur calls his “4th and Final Prediction.” (All three of his other big macro-economic predictions have already come true—you can see the full list here.)

Get the facts for yourself.

Learn about the real, looming scandal that could rock the White House soon and transform our country in ways most Americans can’t imagine.

We’ve posted the full description of this prediction, with all the supporting facts and figures, plus four steps you can take to prepare, on our website.

Click here to view this analysis and the recommended steps, free of charge.