Republican presidential candidate and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy announced he is suing Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF), accusing the organization of “creating a false perception of affiliation by listing [him] as one of its ‘Young Global Leaders.'”

His campaign announced the lawsuit in a press release, stating that when the WEF “invited” Ramaswamy to be on the “Young Global Leaders” list, he “categorically said no.” Once he learned that the WEF had included him on the list, he “repeatedly ask[ed] to be removed.”

“WEF’s decision to stamp Mr. Ramaswamy’s name and image on its ‘list’ created a false public impression that served WEF’s goals while undercutting Mr. Ramaswamy’s staunch public advocacy against WEF’s globalist agenda,” the release stated.

Ramaswamy — who has been a proponent for a revival of national identity, a world view in conflict with that of the globalist WEF’s — told the New York Post that he was “appalled” to be placed on the list in 2021.

“The WEF has a radical worldview that rejects the principles America was founded on. I’m not interested in being a ‘global citizen.’ I’m an American,” he said.

He slammed the organization’s strive for “equity” as “a serious threat to the American way of life” in the press release. He also likened the WEF’s agendas to that of the “Old War Monarchy” that American colonists endured before the Revolution:

Our Founding Fathers fought the American Revolution to declare independence from the Old World monarchy. That old monster now rears its head again in the form of WEF’s agendas including “stakeholder capitalism” and the “Great Reset.” That’s why I’ve been one of the most vocal crusaders in America against WEF, and I am filing this lawsuit to hold them accountable for creating the false illusion of affiliation to undermine its opponents – so that they don’t do it again to others.

Ramaswamy has levied war against “wokeness” and the globalist agenda in recent years. He published the hit New York Times best-seller Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam in 2021, which delves into the consequences of “stakeholder capitalism” and woke corporatism, arguing it strips Americans of both their wealth and their identity.

From there, he founded Strive Asset Management — an investment firm to compete with the likes of BlackRock, which has pushed far-left Environmental, Social, and Governance investing principles. BlackRock Global Head of Investment Stewardship Joud Abdel Majeid made Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” list in 2022.

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