Former President Donald Trump is edging out President Joe Biden in a head-to-head matchup in Georgia, a recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution survey found.

The poll shows a tight race in the Peach State, which Biden claimed official victory in during the last election by .2 percent, or less than 12,000 votes.

The survey shows Trump edging out Biden by a single percentage point in a matchup, 45 percent to the 80-year-old incumbent’s 44 percent. That lead, however, is well within the survey’s +/- 3.1 percent margin of error.

According to the survey, six percent remain undecided — more than enough to swing the race in either direction.

Further, the survey showed Biden struggling among black voters, which could pose a major issue for him in 2024. Typically, Democrats receive roughly 90 percent of the black vote in the Peach State, but only 78 percent currently say they intend to support Biden in the next presidential election. Twelve percent say they will support Trump.

then-Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden speaks with Al Sharpton during a television interview at the 2019 South Carolina Democratic Party State Convention on June 22, 2019, in Columbia, South Carolina (Sean Rayford/Getty Images).

AJC added, “Only about 30% of independent voters back Biden’s bid for a second term, while an additional one-fifth are undecided. Independents were a cornerstone of Biden’s base in 2020, when polls showed a clear majority supported his White House run.”

This survey coincides with a CNN poll that sent a shockwave through the political sphere, as it not only shows Trump leading Biden by four points nationally, but also leading the Democrat among black men specifically, 49 percent to Biden’s 46 percent.

A recent New York Times/Siena poll also showed Trump beating Biden, leading him in five of six swing states: Nevada (Trump +11), Arizona (Trump +5), Pennsylvania (Trump +4), Michigan (Trump +5), and Georgia, where Trump leads by six.

Recent surveys also show Trump leading Biden on a national scale as well, as a Messenger/Harris poll fielded in October showed Trump leading Biden 45 percent to 41 percent.

The surveys come as Trump’s Republican competitors fail to put a dent in his tremendous lead in the Republican primary race, most assuredly setting the former president up for a 2020 rematch in 2024.