Immigration is the top issue for New Hampshire Republican primary voters, a Fox News exit poll released Tuesday evening reveals.

The exit polling, which comes just as polls begin closing across New Hampshire, found that about 41 percent of GOP primary voters said immigration is their top issue heading into the 2024 presidential election, while 31 percent said the economy and jobs are their top issue.

Meanwhile, just eight percent of New Hampshire Republicans said foreign policy was their top issue, and only five percent said abortion was their number one issue.

Screenshot via Fox News

In addition, nearly 80 percent of New Hampshire Republicans said they back a wall along the United States-Mexico border — including 61 percent who said they strongly favor a border wall.

Only 20 percent said they oppose a wall along the border.

Most prominently, perhaps, almost 7-in-10 New Hampshire Republicans told Fox News exit pollsters that immigration hurts the U.S., while fewer than 30 percent said immigration helps the U.S.

The poll indicates, yet again, a severe weakness for President Joe Biden in a general election and a strength for former President Donald Trump in the GOP primary against Nikki Haley.

A CNN exit poll from the Iowa caucus found, similarly, that most GOP primary voters said immigration was their top issue, as well, heading into the 2024 election.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.