Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) likes the threat of a government shutdown so he can accuse the Republican-led House of “not doing their job,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

When asked where she puts the looming government shutdown on her own priority list, Blackburn predicted it simply will not happen.

“I think what you’ll see is the government shutdown will not happen. But they — Chuck Schumer likes to have this threat hanging out there so that he can accuse the House of not doing their job. And we do need the House to step up and do their job and pass their spending bills,” she said, explaining that the Senate passed its spending bills out of committee, “ready to go to the floor back in July.”

In this image from a video, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., speaks on the Senate floor  (Senate Television via AP).

“And only four of those bills have gotten across the floor. So we do need the House to pick up their pace and get this work done,” she said, explaining that they do not want another continuing resolution (CR).

“What we’d like to do is get the Senate to get the government on a budget so we can actually cut spending,” she said, adding that “[you] cannot cut spending unless you go through the appropriations process, which allows you to actually cut into that baseline.”

“And then you have to reprove the reduced level of spending. And that’s been one of the points of contention that’s taken place between a Republican-controlled House and a Democrat-controlled Senate, which is pretty equally divided — and Republicans wanting to get back to the pre-COVID spending levels,” the Tennessee senator said.


Breitbart · Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) – February 28, 2024

Blackburn noted that President Joe Biden has spent $9 trillion since he became president, noting that the U.S. debt is up to $34 trillion.

“In my mind [it’s] immoral, and it’s so unfair to our kids and grandkids to be heaping this debt on their head simply because Congress can’t make their mind up and cut. Like my three bills — a penny out of a dollar, two cents out of a dollar, a nickel out of a dollar. There’s a one, two, and five percent across-the-board spending cut,” she said.

“Of course, these departments could find a penny out of a dollar to save, but you’ve got bureaucrats that don’t want to cut their budget,” the congresswoman added, noting that these bureaucrats often want to keep piling the money up for personal benefits.

 Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.