Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans on Thursday rejected the partisan Democrat subpoena against Federalist Society cochairman Leonard Leo, saying it is “unlawful and politically motivated.”

An attorney for Leo said he would not comply with a subpoena issued by the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats, saying it is “unlawful and politically motivated.” The Federalist Society is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) educational organization.

David B. Rivkin, Jr. wrote in the letter, “For the reasons previously set forth, Mr. Leo is not complying with the Democrat Senate Judiciary Committee members’ unlawful and politically motivated subpoena.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans in November 2023 have laid out the timeline through which committee Democrats did not follow committee rules and violated the chamber’s standing rules.

Judiciary Committee Republicans wrote in a summary of events:

Republicans continued:

What does this mean?  Chairman Durbin prevented the Republican Members from discussing or offering amendments in violation of committee rules.  When Ranking Member Graham challenged this, Chairman Durbin refused to allow the challenge, and proceeded to the vote.  Without a quorum needed under the committee rules, and after the two hours for committee activity permitted under the Senate Rules had elapsed, Chairman Durbin proceeded with an illegitimate vote on the subpoena.  Since the subpoena is an internal committee matter, it cannot be “cured” by the “cleansing clause” in Rule 26 of the Standing Rules of the Senate.

“These new statements, along with the ones cited in our July 25 Letter and many others, remove any doubt, if there was any to begin with, that the Committee is targeting Mr. Leo out of hostility toward his political views and associations,” Rivkin wrote in an October 19 letter.

Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.