In another extraordinary case of gender-bending, a mother and her 14-year-old son from Detroit have reportedly become “father and daughter,” and are now chronicling their transition through Instagram.

The journey started back in 2013 when 11-year-old Corey Maison told his parents that he believed he was a girl and has since undergone gender reassignment surgery in an attempt to become one.

“I wanted to make my parents proud of who I am, but I thought that they would not like me,” Maison said about the experience.

However, it was only last year that Corey’s mother, Erica, revealed that she wanted to become a man, and has since undergone a double mastectomy in order to become “Eric.”

“The first feeling was relief, the second was terror. Fear for what my future would hold, fear for how my family and children would react, fear for what the rest of my life was going to look like,” Erica said about her realization.

Erica, who is a mother of five children, has now revealed that she is happy with her decision to live as a man, adding that “the only regret I have is not being educated sooner about what transgenderism was, so I could do it sooner.”

Furthermore, Erica’s husband, Les, has given his support to his wife’s transition, telling Australia’s 60 Minutes that “I fell in love with the person. She was beautiful as a woman, but equally beautiful on the inside.”

“As long as Eric is happy with the appearance, Eric will be happy with what’s in her brain – or his brain,” he continued.

A recent poll found that fewer than one-in-four Americans agree that people should be allowed to freely change their legal sex by switching their preferred “gender identity.”

Since taking office, President Donald Trump has revoked Barack Obama’s federal guidelines forcing public institutions to let transgender people use the bathroom of their choice, even if it is not that of their biological sex. The decision will now be left up to the states and school districts.

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