On the Wednesday edition of Breitbart News Daily, broadcast live on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM EST, host and Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon will discuss the results from Super Tuesday and what it means going forward.

Special guests include:

Rafael Cruz, father of Ted Cruz and author of A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America, to discuss the Cruz campaign’s path forward

– Veteran GOP strategist Roger Stone to discuss the Trump candidacy

Kellyanne Conway, pollster and Cruz-aligned Super PAC president, to talk about the Cruz candidacy

Dave Bossie, President of Citizens United, to discuss the election results

– Former Congressman Pete Hoekstra, to discuss the Kasich campaign and the Ohio election results

Brett Decker with overall analysis of the race

Lloyd Green with analysis of the race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy, to discuss the Rubio campaign

– Breitbart Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle will report on the Trump campaign, Breitbart reporter Charlie Spiering on the Rubio campaign, and Breitbart Texas reporter Bob Price on the Cruz campaign

– SiriusXM’s Xorje Olivares and Jared Rizzi who will be reporting from the Clinton and Trump campaigns’ headquarters

Breitbart News Daily is the first live, conservative radio enterprise to air seven days a week. Sirius XM Vice President for news and talk Dave Gorab called the show “the conservative news show of record.”

Follow Breitbart News on Twitter for live updates during the show. Listeners may call into the show at: 866-957-2874.