On Thursday’s edition of Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon asked for former U.N. ambassador John Bolton’s take on conservative philanthropist Charles Koch’s attack on Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s counter-terrorism policy.

Koch asserted that the positions Trump, and his rival Ted Cruz, have taken on restricting Muslim immigration and policing the Muslim community for terrorism are reminiscent of “what Nazi Germany would do.”

“I don’t know what was on his mind, but I think it’s always dangerous to compare anything to Adolf Hitler,” said Bolton.  “Because in the history of mankind, it’s hard to imagine a worse example of depravity than the Nazi regime in Germany.”

“You know, there’s a lot of controversy about how to handle radical Islam and terrorism,” he continued.  “I just think people need to get a grip on their imaginations on this.  King Abdullah of Jordan has described this very well as a civil war within Islam.  So when you have a Muslim leader, the descendant of the keepers of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina talking about the civil war within Islam, it’s Muslims themselves who have borne a great deal of the consequences of this terrorism.”  

“There are ways to get to this without overstating what we’re doing,” Bolton advised.  “Nobody’s talking about interfering with freedom of religion, or discriminating against Muslims.  But conspiring to commit suicide bomber attacks is not protected by the First Amendment.  It’s just that simple.”

He cited New York City counter-terrorism policies under police commissioner Ray Kelly and Mayor Michael Bloomberg as an example, noting they were nobody’s idea of a “right-wing” team.  “I think it demonstrates that someone who clearly would be concerned, if he thought there was discrimination against Muslims, was a strong supporter of the program,” said Bolton, adding that since that program was abandoned, “the threat has grown.”

“We’ve heard our own Director of National Intelligence, an appointee of President Obama, say that ISIS has terror cells all throughout Europe.  I don’t think anyone asked him if there were terror cells in the United States, but I believe there are – and if they’re not, they’re on the way,  We’re going to face these kinds of threats as well.  I don’t want to see another 9/11 occur before we get serious about these threats again, and I certainly don’t want to see another 9/11 with chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons,” he warned.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00AM to 9:00AM EST.