Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, talked about the latest Clinton email revelations with Breitbart’s Washington Political editor Matthew Boyle on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM.

“Remember, Hillary Clinton said she had about 60,000 emails. She only turned over 30,000 or so to the State Department last year – in paper form, inconveniently for anyone trying to look at them. And as a result of the criminal investigation, the FBI went and tried to recover the other 30,000 or so emails that she allegedly deleted. The results of that search were sent back to the State Department just last month,” Fitton explained.

“We’ve been pushing for those emails for some time, and the State Department finally told us late on Friday – privately, and then publicly at the court hearing on Monday – that there are 14,900 emails that Mrs. Clinton sent, or received, and those documents might include attachments, that the FBI was able to recover in some fashion,” he said. “They didn’t even want to begin talking to us about getting those records until October, but the court said no, no, no, you’re going to have to move a little bit more quickly, come back next month and tell me what your production schedule is going to be.”

“Those emails, I guarantee you, are going to start coming out, probably shortly after that hearing on September 23rd,” Fitton said. “They should be giving them to us now, but in the least, we’ll get them before [the election], shortly after that hearing. They are being processed under FOIA now. They should be releasing them to us already.”

Boyle asked about other new emails showing top Clinton aide Huma Abedin working with Doug Band of the Clinton Foundation to arrange access to the Secretary of State for Foundation donors.

“Abedin had an email account on Clinton’s system, and did the ‘Clinton family business,’ which was really government business, on that system,” Fitton noted. “We’re getting emails from that email account, and this guy – it was determined that it was actually the Crown Prince of Bahrain, who was a major Clinton partner at the Clinton Global Initiative, which is an arm of the Clinton Foundation, the Bahrainian government had given a little bit of money to the Foundation directly – and he wanted to get a meeting with Hillary. He couldn’t get it through diplomatic channels, the normal channel. So he went through the Foundation, which is incredible.”

“A foreign head of state going through the Foundation and getting the attention of the head of the State Department? The foreign policy of the United States was outsourced by the Clinton State Department, at least in this instance, to the Clinton Foundation – which violated a number of promises to the contrary,” Fitton declared.

Fitton noted the story is big enough, and clear enough, to compel significant attention from the mainstream media.

“It was the lead story in the Washington Post yesterday, it was the lead story in the New York Times.They thought these materials were pretty darn interesting, to put it charitably,” he said.

“There’s another set of emails where another big donor had Doug Band, or Doug Band was advocating on behalf of another big donor, who needed a visa for a criminal soccer player out of Great Britain to come into the United States,” Fitton said. “They were trying to get a visa for this guy through the Clinton Foundation. Unbelievable.”

He was not impressed by the Clinton Foundation’s announcement that it would stop taking foreign money if Hillary Clinton was elected President, agreeing with Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence’s jab that, as Fitton put it, “It’s like they’re open for business right now, and if you want to get in on the racket, you make a donation now.”

“I read yesterday that they want to keep Chelsea Clinton on the board of the Clinton Foundation. I didn’t understand that to be the case. So much for the ‘shutting it down,’ so to speak. There’s always going to be a Clinton to influence or a vehicle for the Clinton family to be influenced,” he said.

However, Fitton doubted the Clinton Foundation would “survive that long.”

“You had the report from the Associated Press yesterday, showing that about half of the non-governmental meetings that Mrs. Clinton had were with foundation donors. On top of that, you’ve got these calls for a criminal investigation,” he said. “Now recall, after we released two weeks ago, another email from Doug Band to Huma Abedin, seeking a meeting for a corrupt Nigerian businessman called Mr. Chagoury, the Foundation then announced that they weren’t going to accept donations in response to the firestorm caused by that. I think after these two firestorms, I can’t imagine that the Foundation, as we know it, is even going to survive the week, or it’s gonna be shut down pretty darn quickly.”

Of course, since “it’s the Clintons,” Fitton recommended “you gotta parse those terms” when trying to determine what the Foundation “shutting down” would actually entail.

“You’ve got to see if there are other mini-Foundations out there, that aren’t actually called ‘Clinton Foundations,’ but are vehicles for influencing the Clintons. And there are subcomponents of the Clinton Foundation world that arguably would still be in operation and would still be vehicles for influencing a new Clinton Administration,” he warned. “From my perspective, the Clintons always have to have an angle. And so we have to figure out what that angle is going to be, even if they say they’re doing the right thing. Because, remember, she promised to do the right thing previously, in order to get confirmed as Secretary of State. She broke that promise almost out of the gate.”

Fitton noted that, under Justice Department regulations, the Attorney General could appoint a special prosecutor for the Clinton Foundation case, but Attorney General Loretta Lynch – who infamously met with Bill Clinton a week before the FBI decided not to refer charges against his wife over her email server – is “thoroughly compromised.”

“I don’t expect she’s going to voluntarily appoint a special counsel,” he said. “If Republicans on the Hill wanted a special counsel, they could use the system in order to get one appointed by making it clear to the Administration that that needs to be done – using the power Congress has over funding and things like that.”

“You know, the other interesting thing is, Mrs. Clinton’s still the subject of impeachment for her conduct as Secretary of State,” Fitton observed. “Republicans in Congress, rather than complaining about what the Justice Department is or isn’t doing – which is fair to do – they also have independent obligations to uphold the rule of law and the accountability of government. They could do that through the impeachment process, and Mrs. Clinton no longer being the Secretary of State is no impediment to impeachment. In theory, an impeachment trial in the Senate could result in her conviction and ineligibility for future office, even now.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.