True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Daily to talk about fears of voter fraud in the 2016 election.

When Marlow asked for her “top three” concerns, she replied:

First would be all mail-in states, so states that no longer have polling places, where everything is handled via the U.S. Postal Service, and zero checks and balances. That’s number one.

Second would be the lack of citizen participation in polling places across the country that don’t have the necessary number of people working there, which lends itself to all kinds of problems.

And the third, I think, would be just the general and rising hysteria that we are seeing now, coming at us from every direction, suggesting everything from Russian infiltrators to sure and certain cratering from within, due to aging systems.

All of that can be remedied with an active and engaged electorate – which is something we don’t have, sadly.

Marlow asked for some tips on how people could get involved.

“The first thing they should know is that they do have a place. There is a place for them in this process,” Engelbrecht replied. “Just voting isn’t enough. It’s great, and I wish more Americans did it, but just voting isn’t enough.”

She recommended a visit to for “everything from training to ways to get in contact with your state”:

As a quick fix, go and check out your county, your party of your choice, or candidate of your choice, and contact them. Contact True the Vote. Let them know that you want to participate in elections.

There’s all manner of ways to volunteer. That would include working on Election Day in the polls. It could possibly include things we’re training for right now: how to be an absentee ballot volunteer, watching and monitoring these ballots that are coming back in from the mail. Managing from the back end on elections, in terms of certifying the accuracy of the election.

There are so many ways that citizens can be involved, and we’re short millions of volunteers every election cycle.

Marlow asked for Engelbrecht’s take on a study by attorney and voter fraud watchdog J. Christian Adams of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which found more than a thousand non-citizens registered to vote in Virginia, with a number of them confirmed to have actually cast ballots in several elections during the past decade.

“This is covered up by Democrats and by these special interest groups, these lobbyists, a lot of them connected to George Soros. And a lot of them are these big-monied people, who have encouraged a lot of, literally, foreigners to vote, and have encouraged the government to do nothing to stop them,” Marlow said. “How prevalent do you think this is, and how big of a threat is it, in this current year?”

“I think there is potential for it to be a very big threat,” Engelbrecht replied.

She explained that “the problem, really, is that we have no idea” how often our citizenship laws are violated:

The lines that distinguish citizenship and non-citizenship status in this country don’t run much below the surface at all. In other words, you can go. You can get a driver’s license. They may ask you whether or not you’re a citizen. You may check a box. The same is true for the Obamacare forms. The same is true for the food stamp form.

You may check that box, but just beneath that box check, as your name and as your information gets pushed and pulled into the various agencies, that citizenship, that citizenship marker, that citizenship meta-tag gets scrubbed out very, very quickly. We found it time and again.

It is absolutely a real thing to worry about non-citizens voting, and it’s hard to look at the situation any other way, except to believe that it’s been done intentionally by this administration.

“Just stay involved. Make the call to the county, to the party, to your candidate, or check out, and be a part of this process. Be a part of picking up the pieces as they fall, and they inevitably will, in fits and starts across the country,” Engelbrecht said, then advised, “But if we stick together, the whole thing doesn’t have to go over the edge. We just have to keep working.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.