On Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq told SiriusXM host Matt Boyle he was “not surprised at all” by revelations that the Clintons used Haiti’s earthquake and humanitarian crisis to enrich their friends.

“On the contrary, this is just the tip of the iceberg,” Sansaricq said. “They haven’t discovered half of the stuff, the wrongdoing that the Clintons have been doing in Haiti.”

“The Clintons, first of all, invaded Haiti. Bill Clinton invaded Haiti in September 1994, with 23,000 American soldiers, at the cost of $5 billion to the American taxpayer’s money, when it was completely useless. Haiti has a completely outdated army, 7,000 men that were ready to flee as soon as the Americans hit Haiti,” he recalled. “So it was not an invasion to restore democracy as he always said. It was an invasion to establish the Clinton dynasty in Haiti, and they have done it.”

“Now, jumping back from 1994 to 2010, when the earthquake happened, it was a gold rush then because the whole world, and American taxpayer’s money, dipped into their pockets and gave $14.3 billion. I’m not saying “million.” I’m saying “billions” of dollars; $14.3 billion dollars were given to the Clinton Foundation. They were appointed by Obama and Mr. Ban Ki-moon for the relief effort for Haiti, and the Haitian people have not even seen two percent of that money,” Sansaricq charged. (Ban Ki-moon is the secretary-general of the United Nations.)

“Only Friends of Bill Clinton, FOB, Friend of Bill Clinton, Friend of Bill, were actually given contracts to do things in Haiti. Millions of dollars went to them, and millions went to the Clintons. Nothing, absolutely nothing, was done, sir,” he told Boyle. “So now, 2016, Haiti is being hit with a devastating hurricane, Matthew. No wonder, right now, we have over a thousand deaths in Haiti right now, and the whole southern part of the country is being wiped out completely.”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing, was done by the Clintons in 2010 with all the money. It was a gold rush for the Clintons, and it was pay-for-play by the Clintons, who is gonna get a contract in Haiti. And again, this is the tip of the iceberg. We don’t know where the money went, and we would like to know where the money went because Clinton is responsible for billions of dollars in relief funds that were given for the Haitian people,” he said.

Sansaricq said life for the average Haitian “would have been easier if good organizations had actually used that money to help them rebuild Haiti, rebuild infrastructure, feed them, even temporarily feed them, and create jobs in Haiti for them.”

“The Clintons have absolutely nothing of that,” he said. “As a matter of fact, they used the earthquake in Haiti and the money they had to put more money in their pockets. Let me give you an example: Haiti has a federal company. It’s owned by Bill Clinton’s friend Denis O’Brien. We know that in 2014, Denis O’Brien gave the Clinton Foundation, for having the contract for DigiCell in Haiti, $30 million, and he pocketed himself $265 million.”

“Absolutely, the Haitian people is worse off today because of the Clinton Foundation than they were before the earthquake. It’s unbelievable,” Sansaricq exclaimed. “Haiti is completely destroyed, has been completely destroyed in 2010. Now there is another hurricane that just hit them about a week ago, and the Clinton Foundation, who has billions of dollars of their money, have done absolutely nothing to help Haiti.”

“And again, I am telling the American people, this is the tip of the iceberg. Bill Clinton, after the earthquake, and before even the earthquake also, has made millions of dollars in Haiti, destroying the rice production of the country,” he continued. “Now we would need that rice in Haiti, right now. He was importing rice from Arkansas, with his friend from Arkansas, and destroying completely the rice production in Haiti because he was using his friend and the power that he had in Haiti to make money with the rice.”

“He made money also. They have a gold mine in the northern part of Haiti. The gold mine is estimated to be worth at least $200 billion. For the first time, against the Haitian Constitution, pay-for-play, while Mrs. Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, the right to mine that gold mine was given to her brother, Anthony Rodham,” Sansaricq said, complaining that the deal put “one of the richest gold mines in the Caribbean” to work “on behalf of the Clinton Foundation.”

“That sweatshop that they built at Caracol, which is in the extreme north of the country, away from where the earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, they said that they were going to employ 60,000 people. They have actually employed 5,000 people, paying them 60 cents an hour – 60 cents an hour, I repeat that – and using a South Korean company who is very friendly and close to Mr. Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations, who gave that contract to Bill Clinton, to rebuild Haiti, along with President Obama,” he said.

“This is a scandal that has no end,” Sansaricq declared. “And there is much more about it. The person that Clinton returned to Haiti with 23,000 American soldiers, using $5 billion of American money, Mr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, turned out to be the biggest drug trafficker from Haiti, using Haiti and using the Columbians. He was associated with Pablo Escobar. And he exported more drugs to the United States than Manuel Antonio Noriega did, when he was taken away from Panama by the first Bush administration.”

“I mean, this is a scandal,” he repeated. “This man here, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, has had his lobbyists in Washington, paying them millions of dollars with drug money because Haiti is the poorest country in the hemisphere. We know he was making at least $20 million a month, Aristide was.”

“The Clintons are the worst thing that could ever hit the United States,” Sansaricq declared. “In view of what they have done in Haiti, it’s been a complete disaster. And to have someone in the White House that is subject to blackmail by a drug trafficker in Haiti is something even worse. Can you imagine the President of the United States being subject to blackmail because Aristide said the day he is indicted in Haiti, he will reveal all the money that he has given to the Clintons that came from the drugs.”

“This is a disaster: $4.3 billion given to the Clintons to rebuild Haiti. Nothing, absolutely nothing has been done. And they’re using Haiti as a pay-for-play,” he repeated, to sum up his brief against the Clintons. “This is what they will do with the United States. The United States will become a Third World country if Clinton is ever elected president of this country.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.