Dan Gainor, the vice president of Business and Culture at the Media Research Center, talked with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Monday regarding the recent best and worst in media, including a Los Angeles Times editorial series bashing President Trump.

Regarding the media in general, Gainor said, “The media has to be more honest, and they don’t want to be. And they don’t really want to be honest about how upset they are.”

Continued Gainor, “What we’re undergoing is what I’ve been calling in my column each week a national tantrum, and the left doesn’t want to wake up, doesn’t want to calm down. They want to celebrate the most radical factions.”

Gainor added, “That’s why you see the skewering that Mike Pence took just because he wants to have dinner with his wife.”

Gainor’s very active Twitter account is here.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.