Vice President of Business and Culture at the Media Research Center, Dan Gainor, joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Monday to discuss the latest in media bias, as well as an item he penned for Fox News, “Liberals (and the media) are finally getting the violence they wanted.”

Gainor wrote:

Liberal commentator Noam Chomsky once wrote, “[P]eople with power understand exactly one thing: violence.” His alt-left supporters must have been paying attention. As a result, the liberal cold war against the right has escalated from demonization to intimidation, harassment and violence — with Trump administration officials and members of Congress as prime targets.

On Monday, Gainor said, “The left has ratcheted up the animosity, the violence, to the point where just recently, we had a member of Congress, someone tried to run them off the road because this member of Congress, they didn’t like how they voted on health care.”

“We had another Republican member of Congress here in Virginia,” he continued, “where they got death threats not just for themselves, but for their family. Congressman Fortenberry got an intimidating sign left on his lawn. One of the most dramatic things is HuffPost. … They came out with a piece by Michelangelo Signorile that called for the nationwide harassment of pro-Trumpers, members of his cabinet, members of Congress, even pundits.”

Signorile was urging people “to harass them at their workplaces, when they go out for food, even at their homes. And this is where the left is. They really are dangerous,” Gainor added.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.