Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney appeared on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily and discussed with SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam Wednesday’s attack on a Republican congressional baseball practice.

Gaffney said Wednesday’s shooting was “the second time the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] has been, I believe, directly involved in inspiring a violent attack against people that the Muslim Brotherhood-sympathizing, radical leftist, totally discredited, hate-mongering SPLC has called a hater or a hate group.”

The previous incident to which Gaffney alluded was the attack on the Family Research Council office in 2012 by gunman Floyd Lee Corkins.

“I am among those they’ve slandered, to be clear,” he added. “I think what is afoot here is the absolutely inevitable result of people like the SPLC, among many others, including a lot of Democratic politicians for that matter, inviting violence against people that they claim – I think mostly, if not entirely, without foundation, certainly in my case, certainly in the case of people who are pointing out the virulent intolerance of sharia supremacism – calling us haters is slanderous, but it’s wrong. Suggesting that somehow we have to be silenced is the kind of thing that I’m sure is going to produce still more of this kind of violence, and I think it’s both tragic and something that they have to be held accountable for.”

On the other hand, Gaffney expressed skepticism that manufactured and insincere calls for unity in the wake of terrorist attacks – from the Virginia shooting to the Manchester and London Bridge jihad attacks – would prove effective, especially against determined Islamist radicals.

“The concern that I have is that whether we wake up or not, we’re going to find ourselves confronted increasingly by the threat it’s posing. That is translating, I think particularly, to the extent that we are not paying attention nearly closely enough to a rising insurgency on the part of these sharia supremacists.”

“It’s palpable in your own country,” Gaffney told Kassam, referring to the United Kingdom. “Twenty-three thousand people have been identified by the British government as either active jihadists that they’re monitoring or people they believe are associated with them. There’s 66,000 jihadists of similar status, if you combine those in Britain and Germany and France and Italy.”

“This is coming here,” he said. “It’s a worldwide problem because the ambition of those bringing it about is to dominate the world.”

“Are we going to wake up? Are rallies and protests and outpourings of concern by citizens going to make a difference? I don’t know. I pray they will because, clearly, we have a shot in this country at preventing the kind of fate that I think is looming for our friends in Europe,” said Gaffney. “It may be domination. It may be civil war. Who knows? But we mustn’t let it come here in that fashion.”

Kassam asked if there was any sign of Europe’s infamous “no-go zones” – areas where non-Muslims are distinctly unwelcome, sometimes even police officers and first responders – forming in American cities.

“The enclaves that are the precursor for larger communities to become dominated by sharia supremacism are already in evidence,” Gaffney asserted. “You see them in places like Dearborn, of course. You see them in places like Dallas, where I am at the moment. You see them in places where refugee populations have been dumped in large numbers, like Lewiston, Maine, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.”

“These are the leading edge of what you’ve described, Raheem. It’s a ways down the road before you find that the authorities of our country dare not enter those areas at risk of violence – which is happening in Europe, as you know, including in Britain,” he said.

“It’s not too much further down the road before you find that they are administering sharia law through tribunals in those communities, essentially depriving Americans of their rights under our Constitution. That’s coming if we are not alive to it and going to prevent it,” he warned.

“This is the challenge of our time – whether it’s female genital mutilation, which is also manifesting itself now, a federal prosecution in Michigan is a sign of just the tip of that iceberg. It is increasingly the case, I believe, that the folks who have built the infrastructure for jihad – in mosques, in Islamic societies, in Islamic centers and front groups, namely the Muslim Brotherhood – are feeling emboldened that their time is coming. I think you’ll see that manifesting, yes, in due course,” Gaffney said.

“Is it ten years out? No, I suspect it’s less time than that in some of the areas that I’ve mentioned, probably a little further out in others. That’s the trajectory we’re on. We see it playing out in other Western countries with societies and cultures like ours. They’re going down,” he predicted.

Kassam asked for Gaffney’s prediction on the future of President Trump’s executive order to restrict travel and immigration from several countries seen as high security risks.

“It’s anybody’s guess at this point,” Gaffney replied. “It sounds to me as though the Supreme Court is going to take briefs from the parties and outside amicus briefs by the 21st of this month, in anticipation of a meeting they will be having on the 22nd to decide whether they’re going to take it up at all, or whether they’re going to take it up before they recess at the end of this month, or whether they extend their term a little bit. We’ll see.”

“I sense that they realize this is a national security issue, and they must resolve whether the president does have, both under the Constitution and statute, the authority to protect our country by differentiating between people who can be brought in here safely and people who can’t be,” he ventured.

“That’s a job for the commander in chief, not for judges, for crying out loud. So I pray they will take it up, and I think if they do take it up, my guess is it will come out right, Raheem. But it will be a near-run thing, probably,” Gaffney said.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.