Travis Weber, Director, Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Tuesday regarding the Supreme Court ruling in the Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer religious liberty case, as well as the court’s decision to hear the case of Jack Phillips of Colorado who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony.

The Supreme Court of the United States held Monday that prohibiting churches from participating in non-religious state benefit programs violates the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.

In a 7-2 ruling, the court held in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer that states cannot prohibit churches from receiving otherwise generally available benefits based purely on their being a religious institution.

Weber said he believes the Trinity Luthern v. Comer ruling “indicates broader support for religious freedom on the Supreme Court.”

Weber also cited Justice Neil Gorsuch’s early work on the court and his concurring opinion in the recent decision as very positive developments for the future of the court for supporters of religious liberty.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.