Jill Vogel, the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor in Virginia, joined SiriusXM hosts Alex Marlow, Raheem Kassam, and Steve Bannon on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily on the morning of the election.

“The future of the Commonwealth of Virginia truly hangs in the balance, based on what happens in this election, and it is all about who turns out,” Vogel said. “So if you are listening, and you live in Virginia, and you have not made up your mind or you have not yet voted, I am begging you to please, please go vote.”

“And when you’re asking about what the stakes are, if you care about your Second Amendment rights and the Constitution and your taxes and you care about history, you care about protecting, teaching history and not erasing it, and you care about the future of the economy, your personal freedoms and your individual liberties – that is what is at stake. Because it has been under assault increasingly in the Commonwealth of Virginia, in ways that people could not have imagined,” she said.

“If you have watched this race devolve, on our side we have had a race about ideas, about how we can change the future of health care in Virginia, how we can turn Virginia’s economy around. The other side has taken this race in a direction that nobody could have imagined, that has truly offended and shocked the conscience of Virginians, with images of a pickup truck with a Gillespie sticker on it trying to run down children, trying to paint conservatives as racist, rural Virginians as racist, people who drive pickup trucks as racist,” Vogel said.

“I hope the people in Virginia will turn out today and say, ‘That is not the Virginia that we know and love,’ and that that kind of imagery, that kind of campaign, that kind of politics is beneath the dignity of the offices that these people seek,” she urged.

“That’s what is at stake in this election, and that’s why I’m out here talking to every single person walking in the door in this precinct, and hoping that everybody in these other precincts who are campaigning around Virginia are doing the same. I think it has not just shocked the conscience of Republicans but independents and Democrats too, who have said to me, ‘That is not the Virginia that I know and love and not the way I want campaigns to run.’ That’s what is at stake in this election,” she said.

Vogel agreed with Bannon that “the Trump agenda is on the ballot in Virginia, and it’s very important for the Trump agenda to win.”

“That’s absolutely right because people are talking about the Trump agenda for a new, better economy, for tax reform, for immigration reform,” she said. “We’re running against a ticket that wants to make Virginia a state with sanctuary cities. That’s what’s on this ballot today, and that’s why I believe that this election is one of the most important elections we have ever had in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and all eyes are on Virginia today.”

“You’re absolutely right. That is what’s on the ballot,” she told Bannon. “And so I think it’s our obligation for every last person to turn out and stand for something, talk about how Virginians absolutely stand for something, are rooting for this president, rooting for this strong agenda to succeed, and don’t want sanctuary cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia, want to support a tax reform agenda that’s going to be transformative not just in Virginia, but in the country.”

Vogel invited listeners to visit her Vogel for Virginia website for a list of voting locations or to visit the websites of their local country registrars for a map of precincts.

“What’s really important is that if you are in Virginia, it’s critical that you go to the polls – or if you don’t live in Virginia and you have friends that do, it’s critical that you communicate with them. If you’re in Virginia and you have friends that may be on the fence, go on social media, go to every last friend you have,” she said.

“Because here’s the thing: elections in Virginia are really, really close,” Vogel noted. “People don’t think about that. Four years ago, the attorney general’s race was decided by 165 votes. Mark Obenshain, the Republican, lost by 165 votes. That’s like a handful of votes in every precinct, like six or seven votes per precinct in Virginia. That’s why it’s absolutely critical that people turn out today and vote.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern.