Republican U.S. Senate nominee Corey Stewart joined Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday following his recent campaign visit to Danville, Virginia.

Danville, a once thriving manufacturing town in Southern Virginia, since the 1990s has faced economic ruin, depopulation, a drug crisis, and declining standards of living. Chadwick Moore wrote a Breitbart News feature this month titled, “Left for Dead in Danville: How Globalism Is Killing Working Class America.” According to Stewart, an ardent economic nationalist, the article inspired his campaign visit.

“That Breitbart article was actually what got the whole thing going. It was very well researched, very well done,” Stewart told Boyle.


“[The North American Free Trade Agreement] NAFTA … has destroyed American manufacturing. It has gutted out the manufacturing sector of the United States, and nowhere is that more obvious than in Danville, where they had 6,500 textile jobs, it was a thriving community, one of the wealthier communities, in fact, in the country,” Stewart told Boyle.

He went on to explain, “And then just a few years later, after NAFTA was adopted and after China was let into the [World Trade Organization] WTO, everything went down. The jobs went away. And of course when the jobs go away then all the other problems come with it, including crime and drug use … and that all happened in Danville and all across the country.”

Donald Trump’s America First trade agenda is, according to Stewart, part of a plan that could reverse these losses. “Finally we have a president of the United States who’s standing up and bringing back manufacturing jobs with President Trump,” Stewart said.

Stewart also pushed back on his opponent, incumbent senator and Hillary Clinton running mate Tim Kaine (D-VA), who supported the Clinton trade legacy in the 2016 campagin. “When I criticized Kaine for supporting all of these disastrous trade agreements — and the effects of these things — well then he’s tried to spin that as [if] I was trying to criticize the people of Danville. Quite the opposite … the people of Danville are the victims of Washington, DC, and Washington elites in both parties,” Stewart said.

“Those of us who work in the international trade area, we can tell you that … everybody believes in free trade, but it has to be free in both directions,” Stewart, who works as an international trade lawyer said, accusing China and other countries of “dumping” their products in an attempt to put American competitors out of business. “We need to put the hammer down and demand — which President Trump is doing right now — demand that they allow our products into their markets.”

Stewart also weighed in on the upcoming confirmation fight over Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, claiming Tim Kaine will oppose any Republican nominee, including Kavanaugh.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern.