That most curious of American holidays which acts as both a cookout-fueled celebration of the beginning of summer and a sombre remembrance of the men who sacrificed all to maintain our freedom was all but ignored on Google’s homepage. Why?

This is the website that has a special logo (called a Doodle) for everything. Whether it is Independence Day in Jordan or the start of the hundreth Tour of Flanders, Google has a special logo to celebrate it. Of course all the stops are pulled out for Earth Day, that most holy of liberal holidays.

Google also commonly creates Doodles to celebrate the birthdays of important people. Sometimes their selections are a bit dodgy, with most of their userbase having to Google the honorees to find out why they deserve to be highlighted on the homepage of the Internet. Take for instance Samaun Samadikun, Indonesia’s most important scientist but hardly a household name.

In other cases their selections go beyond obscure into the liberal wacko category. You will remember our coverage just two weeks ago on Google’s tribute to Yuri Kochiyama, an extremist who considered Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Osama Bin Laden to be swell guys.

I suspect Google’s treatment of Memorial Day was rooted in the desire to please the latte-swilling left that considers Yuri Kochiyama a stunning and brave heroine for the ages. Nothing could be more gauche to them than highlighting America’s freedom and those that died to defend it.

Google will be quick to point out that below the search bar they did add an American flag with a yellow ribbon, but it is damning with faint praise. The flag wasn’t even a link- imagine the donations Google could have generated if they had linked to a charity for families of those fallen, or perhaps a charity dedicated to fighting the suicide epidemic among vets?

The real shocker isn’t that Google snubbed Memorial Day, but rather that there wasn’t a special logo in honour of Harambe, the prematurely perished primate, late of Cincinnati zoo. Google’s preferred user base were up in arms over the death of the gorilla, killed to save the life of a small child that had worked his way into the beast’s habitat.  Perhaps the Google exec in charge of politically-correct Doodles had the day off to relax and grill vegan-friendly cuisine with his or her (or xer) family.

By all rights, Google should be celebrating American values and those who died to safeguard them. They print new millionaires by the Google busload, and have defined capitalism in the new Internet age. But their preoccupation with left-wing causes and troubling signs like being the most frequent visitor  to the decidedly business-unfriendly Obama White House show that Google, like many companies in Silicon Valley, is a schizophrenic mess of high-octane capitalism and lefty ideology.

Google should ask itself some hard questions. Would it exist but for those who that sacrificed all for America? Would the advances in technology that resulted from military hardware and eventually enabled Google have happened strictly in the civilian world? If so, when? Would Sergey Brin, Google co-founder and a Russian immigrant, have even been born, or would his family have joined the millions of Russian civilians that perished in World War II?

Brin himself at least at one point understood everything he owed to America and by extension its veterans and those who died for their country. According to a Moment Magazine profile from 2007, Brin witnessed the USSR. in its death throes during a 1990 trip with his father. He told his dad “Thank you for taking us all out of Russia”. As a youth Brin, recognized that America, made great by veterans, those who fell in the line of duty, and Americans whose freedom was ensured by those two groups, presented a world of opportunity that the old world did not.

The fact that he took advantage of that opportunity to create Google is an immigrant success story as old as the country itself.

Google has a few months before Veteran’s Day, which will give them another opportunity to show respect to America’s servicemen. My personal suggestion is that they work with their corporate parent Alphabet to review the ABCs. Here is a head start: B is for Bataan, C is for Chancellorsville, F is for Fallujah, and K is for Khe Sanh. If you need more, just ask a vet where they saw action and, just as importantly, who they lost.

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