Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos appeared on Russia Today to discuss presidential nominee Donald Trump, the conservative change in the gay community following the Orlando shooting and why Islam is a danger to gay people everywhere.

“What’s interesting about Trump is the message that he has against political correctness which has been such a cancer infecting the political left, should be a message that homosexuals are receptive to, after all the best thing about gay culture is the dissidence, the subversion the mischief, and when you couple that with what happened in Orlando recently and the lefts total failure to stick up for gay people and instead its insistence on pandering to radical Islam, you see quite obviously why gay people, who I think are natural libertarians, are graduating towards Trump.

“I’m seeing hundreds of people emailing me and tweeting me and all the rest of it, I have a reasonably good idea of what gay people are thinking about as I now have a big enough audience that I can judge how many people are feeling a particular way and I’m seeing a huge change among gays, and it should be worrying for the left, a huge change among gays who are sort of voting grudgingly for Trump.”

When questioned on Donald Trump’s stance on gay marriage, Milo offered a resolute defence of Trump’s stance on gays. 

“Donald Trump is probably the most pro gay presidential candidate in history, he’s definitely the most pro gay republican candidate in history, so if you’re someone that believes in a small state and freedom but you’ve been put off sometimes by the social attitudes of old style republicans, Donald Trump is for you”

“He was defending gay people against the Clintons twenty years ago. Hillary Clinton will do nothing for gays and the gays who are ‘Im with her’ kind of homosexuals, are dumb as sticks. They are really stupid people, this is a candidate who has done nothing for blacks, though blacks always vote for her, nothing for gays, although gays always vote for her. These people are dumb and they’ve been brainwashed by the left.”

“Donald Trump has repeatedly not only in his private life but also in his public statements, stood up for homosexuals in ways that the progressive left never has. He came out immediately after Orlando with very strong, very inspiring statements in my view, about how we need to protect ourselves and the steps we need to take to protect gay people. What did Hillary Clinton do? Pander to and make excuses for Islam.”

“This is not some type of newspaper quarrel over whether some Christian is going to bake a cake or not, this is about people with guns who want to kill us, Christians don’t do this, Muslims do. And it isn’t just terrorists, think about the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, these were homegrown jihadists, this stuff is just two streets away from you and it is being taught in mosques that the government just allows to preach whatever the hell they want to. In Orlando where that killer was, three weeks prior to the attack, a guy was hosted on the subject of ‘how do we fix the homosexuality problem’ this guy is on record saying the compassionate thing to do is kill all gays. This is not a terror thing. This is an Islam thing.”

“Donald Trump in everything that we have seen from him in his career and everything he has said since Orlando, seems to me to be not just saying the nice works and and having the rainbow avatars and the hashtags on twitter but in real terms what will actually benefit and keep safe gay people, Donald Trump appears to me to be the most pro-gay candidate in American electoral history.”