Liberal students at Louisiana State University reserved tickets for an upcoming speaking event by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos, in order to walk out at the start of his speech, leaving him with an empty room.

However, the tickets which they were reserving were not released by the official event organisers, but were in fact a red herring designed for that exact purpose.

Students at LSU had already created a Facebook group to “organise, reflect [and] act” in response to Milo’s event, which is one stop on the last leg of his Dangerous Faggot tour across American campuses, with a meeting arranged on September 19th, and a rally on the day of the speech itself.

The description for the event states that the students will not “sit back and let Yiannopoulos chart a vision for our campus that doesn’t value and protect everyone.” “It is our responsibility to come together and fix the problems of the place we call home,” it continues.

Milo apparently posed a threat to “LGBTQ people,” with a post on the protest page declaring that he envisions “a society which oppresses anyone who isn’t a straight, white man,” despite being a proud gay man himself. “We prefer a society that values and protects the lives and contributions of all Louisianians. We find strength in our diversity, traditions, and spiritual beliefs.”

Not satisfied with just holding a protest, other students concocted a plot to ruin Milo’s event by reserving all the available tickets.

“I just registered for four seats. It’s free,” Said one protestor on Facebook. “It means that four less [sic] seats will be occupied when this hate-monger comes to speak.”

Another poster revealed in more detail how the plan was to unfold. “Tickets are free, and you can register for up to 4… I suggest you do so, and then either don’t show or—better yet—show up and then walk out as the show is starting.”

Yet the students were completely unaware that the Eventbrite booking page they were reserving their tickets from was completely fake, designed to waste the protestors time. At the time of writing, all the tickets on the fake page have been sold out.

David Walters, the campus ambassador for LSU Students for Trump, the hosts of the event, made sure that the protestors would not “affect the event at all,” as people were “coming from across the state” to listen to Milo speak.” Walters told Campus Reform that all ticket reservations would be handled via the university itself, and not an outside source.

Jack Hadfield is a student at the University of Warwick and a regular contributor to Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @ToryBastard_ or email him at