MILO spoke today at the University of Central Florida on the “10 things that he hates about Islam,” making a comparison between modern day Islam and cold war era Communism.

“Islam preys on the most vulnerable in society, offering them a sense of higher purpose. It’s no wonder that gingers convert to Islam in such high numbers!” said Milo to a crowded lecture hall.

Milo continued, “Islam today is like communism in the early stages of the Cold War. They’re presenting young, disaffected people with an idealistic, tribal, utopian vision that is drawing in millions. And like communism, it’s inspiring violence all around the world”

“If there’s one thing we learned from the battle with communism, it’s that the west can’t compromise on its values. It can’t apologize for itself, like the left constantly wants us to do. Like Thatcher and Reagan, we must present future generations with a vision of the west that is compelling enough to beat Islam’s warped vision of the good society.”

Echoing the speech Milo gave earlier in the year at the site of the Orlando shooting Milo said, “It isn’t hard to do. The superiority of the west is self-evident. We just need to discover the courage to talk about it, like Thatcher and Reagan did. And we need to talk about it loudly.”