Breitbart Senior Editor MILO unveiled a performance art piece titled “Angel Mom” at the pro-Trump art show being held in New York City. The piece featured MILO in a bathtub full of pig’s blood.

MILO’s art piece featured a large claw-footed bathtub filled with pig’s blood, a tribute to the suffering of those who have lost loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens and Islamic terrorists. Many violent criminals have been deported multiple times only to return to the United States to commit more crime.

Drenched in the “blood of innocents,” MILO urges the viewer to consider the suffering wrought by globalist, Left-wing immigration policies, lax policing and the obsessive pandering and mollycoddling of Islam by progressive social justice warriors.

MILO is a warning from Europe. He urges the viewer to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN in November.

In a speech to the art show attendees, Milo took the opportunity to defend Donald trump and hit out at the conservative establishment and their treatment of the recent ‘Trump Tapes’,

“Republicans claim to be shocked by what Trump said. Not even their wives’ boyfriends use language like “grab her by the pussy!” It’s no surprise these out of touch grandads are shocked by a bit of locker room talk. The closest they’ve ever been to a locker room are those humming D.C. bathhouses. Trust me!”

You can watch a livestream of “Daddy Will Save Us,” including MILO’s performance piece, below: