Speaking at the University of Alabama tonight, Breitbart Senior Editor MILO gave a speech discussing Obama ceding control of internet governing body ICANN to foreign powers. 

MILO spoke of the worrying censorship that could take place with a company such as ICANN no longer under government regulation and compared it to the “Great Firewall” in China where internet use is heavily censored,

“The Chinese in America are quite successful.  Asian men, for example, have the highest average annual salaries in the United States. So much for white privilege!” said MILO, “Some of the early pioneers of the Internet as we know it today were Chinese, like Jerry Yang who started Yahoo.”

“Yahoo, of course, was once a great company, long before one of my favorite terrible female CEOs, Marissa Meyer, took the helm. But China’s government is far more sinister and dangerous than its immigrants. After decades of murdering and starving their citizens, the Chinese turned their attention to controlling the internet.”

“We have all heard of the great firewall of China, the complex methods China uses to filter vast portions of the Internet and block their citizenry from accessing information we take for granted. But that is just the start! In July, China banned online reporting. That would be “bye bye Breitbart.”  If you’re in China, only news from the government can be seen on the web now.”

“You may think this is too far-fetched, but don’t you think that Democratic administrations would love to shut down Breitbart? After all, Hillary Clinton talked about it in her alt-right speech, where she named my wonderful headlines as examples of wrongthink!”

“China isn’t even waiting for the UN to take over the Internet to mess around with it.  China approached the owners of the .XYZ domain, which is now the fourth largest domain behind .com,.org and .net, to censor 12,000 words.  They wanted to make sure no .xyz domains with politically unwelcome names would ever exist.”

“For China, banned words include terms like “Democracy” and “Liberty”. China and by extension the UN want an internet where a website cannot be called  MiloForDemocracy.xyz and that is not the Internet you want to be on.”

Watch the full event at the link below,