The Des Moines Anti Fascist group posted to Facebook yesterday, claiming that Iowa State University did indeed increase security fee prices in an attempt to censor MILO from speaking at the college as part of his “Dangerous Faggot” tour.

Breitbart recently reported that Iowa State University increased security fee prices for MILO’s event that is set to take place on December 15th with little to no warning to student organisers. The price hike of nearly $2000 left doubt over whether or not students could afford to host MILO at the college. When asked about the price increase Iowa State University stated,

“As a public university, Iowa State upholds the First Amendment and the protective scope of free speech. Our university supports open discussion and civil discourse; challenging different ideas and views is at the foundation of higher education.”

However a recent Facebook post by the Des Moines Anti-Fa group seems to contradict this statement, implying that Iowa State purposefully raised the price of the event in order to censor MILO. The Facebook page states,

“If you haven’t heard yet Iowa State University has gotten wind of the peoples’ frustrations about how an event like this could possibly be allowed at their school facility just WEEKS after there was a second occurrence of white heritage/power posters popping up on campus. They know Milo loves to provoke, troll, and offend as many people as possible so they told the hosting organization, ISU StudentsForTrump, that they will need to pay for the extra event security to the tune of $2,000 total or the event has to be cancelled. 4 words.”

The post further goes on to encourage people to protest MILO’s event at Iowa State University,

“The scheduled date for Milo at the Iowa State University Memorial Union is Dec. 9th, just about 1 week away. If you are able to protest come protest. If you are not able to protest you can share this post and it will be immensely helpful in spreading the word to your like minded friends to call in and show up! Direct action is a very powerful tool to oppose fascists. We are the most effective when we show out with a huge turnout. Together in solidarity we will #shutmilodown”

MILO’s event at Iowa State University is still planned to go ahead as security fee price is being negotiated.

Read the full post here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart Tech covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at