The Guardian has named The Milo Yiannopoulos Show on its essential list of 12 podcasts that would help their readers get “through the Trump presidency.”

MILO’s podcast is included in the alt-right section of the article, informing their readers that MILO wants to “make you laugh,” not about anything palatable to mainstream opinion, but “about Islam.”

The author of the piece, Craille Maguire Gillies, argues that MILO is “not really trying to finesse his standup act, but rather to ‘test the boundaries of what polite societies will possibly tolerate.'”

According to Gillies, there may be “danger” in listening to MILO’s podcast, linkinge to an article supposedly written by a young white male driven to extremism by the alt-right, and notes that they are therefore “not responsible for listening devices dashed against walls.” However, this article is considered by some to be the work of the parody artist known as Godfrey Elfwick, who claimed that he wrote the article himself; there has been no proof either way however.

Other right-leaning podcasts on the list include the Sean Hannity Show, Rush Limbaugh’s Morning Update and The Savage Nation.

Jack Hadfield is a student at the University of Warwick and a regular contributor to Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @ToryBastard_, on Gab @JH or email him at